Category: Theology

  • Letters to Kanyaganyago: A Sabbath Rest is More than Doing Nothing

    Dear Kanyaganyago, I hope you have been well. Since you came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, we have not been able to catch up and talk. The global pandemic has also not helped the situation. But I promise to send you an occasional letter to address some of your concerns as a new…

  • Elvis Mbonye is not a Heretic

    A false prophet? Maybe. But, a heretic? Not a chance. One of the greatest minds of the previous century, G. K. Chesterton once wrote: “The word “heresy” not only means no longer being wrong; it practically means being clear-headed and courageous.” My Professor, Justin Holcomb, in his book Know the Heretics notes that the sense…

  • Where do you Go to Church?

    Everyone goes to church. Irrespective of what our different religious inclinations are, all of us dress up for Sunday morning worship. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to walk around the town of Amesbury, Massachusetts, the neighbourhood of All Saints Anglican Cathedral, the church I attend. While at it, I was struck by…